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This combination farm/ranch recreational property offers good hunting along with agriculture income and would be an excellent property to run cattle. The tract is well balanced with heavy brush cover. It offers an abundance of surface water in the 38 acre pasture area and has excellent cultivated ground on each side of the pasture. The cultivated fields are typically planted in winter wheat and offer grazing for both wildlife and cattle. Late in the evening and early in the morning it is common to see deer, pigs, and turkey out feeding on the cultivated fields.
A small wet weather creek runs through the brushy area of the tract and funnels run off water toward the big ponds. These ponds are surrounded with all sorts of brush and heavy grassy areas which make for excellent quail hunting and bedding areas for wildlife as well as protection for the many water fowl that utilize the water. There are also areas of sunflowers throughout the property where large numbers of dove can be found feeding.